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Immunoassay The quantative determination of chemical substances that utilise the highly specific binding between antigens and antibodies
Implantable device Any device which is intended to be totally introduced into the human body or to replace an epithelial surface or the surface of the eye, permanently (or at least for 30 days) by surgical intervention
Infusion pump A device used to pump fluids into a patient in a controlled manner. The device may use a piston pump, roller pump, or a peristaltic pump and may be powered electrically or mechanically. The device may include means to detect a fault condition, such as air in, or blockage of, the infusion line and to activate an alarm
Infusion pump cassette That part of the set of intravenous tubing that fits into an infusion pump. Each cassette is "dedicated" or designed to fit a specific pump
Injection therapy Use of a needle to deliver pharmacological agent for endoscopic therapy
Insufflation Distention with air
Intima The inner layer of cells of an artery
Intramedullary Within: a) the spinal cord, b) the medulla oblongata, or c) the marrow cavity of a bone
Intravenous Administered into a vein through a needle or catheter
Invasive A procedure which is usually complex and requires appreciable penetration into internal areas of the body
Invasive device A device which, in whole or in part, penetrates inside the body, either through a body orifice or through the surface of the body
Ion implantation The acceleration of ions to high velocity to embed them into a surface
Iterative Prototyping Successive small-scale tests on variations of a limited function prototype. Such tests permit continual design refinements based upon human performance
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