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Optos PLC Scottish company at Buckingham Palace reception for the winners of The Queen's Awards for Enterprise 2007

Optos Plc Dunfermline With 232 employees worldwide, Optos Plc designs, develops, manufactures and markets devices that image the retina, providing critical clinical information on both eye and non-eye diseases and disorders.

It is winning the Award for the first time for increasing exports by 137% in three years, to approximately £36 million in 2006. Optos installs its devices in eye care practices under a minimum three-year fixed, pay-per-patient examination agreements where revenue is generated from every examination that is performed, which is shared with the practioner.

Over 2,500 devices have been installed in its overseas markets, currently its core USA market, and also in Canada and Germany. Subsidiary offices have been established in the USA and Germany, which are supported from the UK, and the company is assessing further expansion in Europe and Asia.

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