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Good news from investors for Scottish Medtech Companies

Exomedica, a leading investor in medical technology innovation, is pleased to announce its latest investment, the ninth since its establishment in summer 2005.

The company has committed £250,000 to Suturox Ltd, a start-up company established to develop novel suturing technologies originally derived from work at Oxford University and licenced by Oxford Biomaterials Ltd.

In addition to woundcare Exomedica%u2019s portfolio now includes diagnostics and devices in the following areas in partnership with 5 universities and 2 NHS trusts

  • oncology
  • fertility
  • orthopaedics
  • cardiology
  • obstetrics
  • vascular disease

In addition the company are please to announce the next appointment of Frazer Harvie, as Technical Director for Scotland.

For further information call Mark Fisher, Fraser Harvie or Andrew Newell on 0207 812 7366

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