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MHRA Second Communications Strategy Published, UK

The MHRA is responsible for safeguarding public health by making sure that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe. If it is to be successful in this mission, the Agency must effectively communicate accurate and timely information about the benefits and risks of medicines and medical devices to key stakeholders, including the public, patients, healthcare professionals, researchers and industry.

We are pleased to announce the publication of our 'second Communications Strategy', covering the period until March 2010. This document briefly reviews the current situation in relation to Agency communications, and the evidence informing future development. It sets out the wider business context for communications activity, before establishing aims, priorities and actions for the three-year period.

Our four key priorities are:

To target information at healthcare professionals

To target information at the public

To improve understanding of the benefit:risk balance of medicines and medical devices amongst the general public and/or healthcare professionals

Increase patient and public engagement in the Agency's work. Communications Strategy April 2007 - March 2010

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