Pilot Opportunity for Medical Technologies
An opportunity exists to participate in a pilot initiative between NHSScotland and the Scottish life sciences sector.
The focus of the pilot is to increase collaboration between the NHS and the private sector with a view to supporting innovative devices and diagnostics still in development (i.e. pre-market) and which require NHS R&D input to progress. The BIA and MDIS wish to identify technologies suitable for this pilot.
For products in the early stages of development, the NHS has offered to identify suitable clinicians with a view to providing an informed view of the likely value of the innovation to the NHS - no charge will be made for this service. The NHS is also prepared to facilitate and host the conduct of clinical studies on a normal commercial basis.
Where a company does not have sufficient income to fund such a study, the NHS is prepared to consider the possibility of progressing the innovation as a commercial collaborative venture for mutual benefit. It should be noted that this is an NHS R&D initiative and it quite separate from any subsequent NHS procurement or evaluation of products.
At this stage, if you think you or a contact would be interested in exploring this opportunity further, we would ask you to send the following information which will be held on a confidential basis:
Details and nature of action/intervention of the product /diagnostic agent
Stage of development (note that products must be in the pre-market stage)
Assistance sought from the NHS
It is requested that this information be submitted in email format (with attachments as necessary) to Dr Sarah Goulding sgoulding@bioindustry.org by Wednesday 20 August.
Once the level of interest is known, further discussions will be held with the NHS with a view to selecting innovations suitable for this pilot stage. Any queries should be addressed to Dr Sarah Goulding in the first instance