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ITI Life Sciences to sponsor Nexxus Life Science Innovation Award

This week sees the launch of the 4th Annual Nexxus Life Science Awards to celebrate the West of Scotlands expertise and the considerable contribution it makes to this burgeoning sector of the Scottish economy. There are four categories of Awards and this year the Innovation Award is being sponsored by ITI Life Sciences.

The Innovation Award aims to recognise the most innovative product or service recently on the market, or close to market, which has come from a West of Scotland life science institution or company. One of the key judging criteria is the potential impact of the product or service to the life science industry. Past winners have included PAL Technologies, Biopta and the Strathclyde Institute of Medical Devices in respect of technology designed to monitor free-living activity, an innovative tissue screening system and a novel wound monitoring system.

Eleanor Mitchell, managing director of ITI Life Sciences said: ITI Life Sciences is delighted to sponsor the Nexxus 2008 Innovation Award. Our association with Nexxus in celebrating innovation in the Scottish life science community demonstrates our commitment to this industrys success and drive towards a smart, successful Scotland.

Nexxus manager, Kate Rowley said: The Nexxus Life Science Awards have been growing in stature year on year and we were very pleased when ITI Life Sciences approached us to say theyd like to sponsor the Innovation Award. Their desire to be associated with the Award justifies our confidence in the importance and relevance of Innovation as one of our four Award categories. Scotland has a proud history of innovation and there are a wealth of new technologies, devices and services continuing to emerge from the life science industry here which make significant adjustments and improvements to all aspects of Scottish healthcare and research.

The closing date for this years Awards is Friday 5 September and winners will be presented with their awards at a celebratory event in November. The other three Award categories are Lifetime Achievement, Young Life Scientist of the Year and Most Promising Young Life Scientist of the Year.

Previous Nexxus Award winners include Professor David Onions and PWB Health Ltd who subsequently went on to win similar awards early the following year from Scottish Enterprise whose annual awards are open to participants Scotland-wide. Further information about the Nexxus awards including eligibility, judging criteria and entry forms can be found at

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