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Company Directory

The Company Directory assists you to search on descriptive words listed for the product or service, as well as catagories that the company would be readily recognised under.


Medical Device Companies Catalogue
Companies in the medical device industry.  Organised by specialism.

Suppliers & Service Companies Catalogue
Companies supplying goods and services to the medical device industry. Organised by service.
Medical Device Companies A to Z
Companies in the medical device industry.  Organised alphabetically
Suppliers & Service Companies A to Z
Companies supplying goods and services to the medical device industry. Organised alphabetically.

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»Aircraft flies with Far East deal
Aircraft flies with Far East deal
»Barclays Recognise French Kiss!
Barclays Recognise French Kiss!
»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
»Life Science Partnering Event - Dundee
»Understanding Procurement Reform, Winning Contracts in Scotland 2008
»MEDICA 2008

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