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About Medical Devices In Scotland (MDIS)

In October 2001 Medical Devices In Scotland (MDIS) became an incorporated company in Scotland thanks to industry support and substantial funding from Scottish Enterprise.  Established as a ‘not for profit’ organisation, it aims to support and strengthen the medical device industry in Scotland by developing the partnerships between the Scottish NHS, academia and industry to assist the commercialisation of ideas.

Scotland is already home to some 100 medical device manufacturers, as well as many more supply and service organisations that exist to specifically support this industry.  MDIS through its activities, promotes the world leading technologies that Scotland develops along side the industry capabilities to apply and manufacture new technologies to medical devices.

Please download our KEYFACTS for more info on MDIS

Our office is located within the Medipark at Strathclyde Business Park in Lanarkshire our contact information:
Telephone +44 1698 849842
Fax +44 1698 849846
Click here to email us
Address:  Caledonian House, Phoenix Crescent, Strathclyde Business Park, Lanarkshire, Scotland ML4 3NJ

Location of MDIS office please click here


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»ABHI warns of fleeing medical device firms
Struggling to win contracts in the UK healthcare market, small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are leaving the country in droves taking innovative ideas with them, an industry body has warned
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Upcoming Events
»MEDICA 2007
»MedTech Investing Europe - London
»The Healthcare Computing Conference Exhibition -Harrogate

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