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Acronyms 1 of 4

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AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
ABHI Association of British Health-Care Industries
ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
ADIT French Agency for the diffusion of Information technology
AdvaMed Advanced Medical Technology Association
AGMED French Agency for Medical Products
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
AIME Association of Institutions concerned with Medical Engineering
AMA American Medical Association
AMDM Association of Medical Diagnostics Manufacturers
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APMA Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
BHTA British Healthcare Trades Industry
BIO Biotechnology Industry Organisation
BMA British Medical Association
BMJ British Medical Journal
BSI British Standards Institution
CBI Confederation of British Industries
CCLRC Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
CE European Community
CEC Commission of the European Communities
CEFIC European Chemistry Industry Council
CEN Commitee European de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardisation)
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
COC Chamber of Commerce
COCIR European Co-ordination Industries Committee for the Radiological Industry
CORDIS Community Research and Development Information Service
CWS Committee on World Standards
DETR Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
DFID Department for International Development
DIMDI German Institute for medical documentation
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DOH Department of Health
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
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