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The Workplace

This section of the site provides an information base on regulatory, financial and business development support. It aims to serve both the local and international visitor to the site and will be updatedwith newfeatures on a regular basis.

Global Partners
MDIS has established links with a number of American Associations. The following Associations have an interest in what is happening in Scotland and conversely represent a valuable resource for Scottish companies.

The Scottish taxation system is currently the same as the UK, although the new Scottish Parliment has powers to vary some taxes.

Industry Information
An overview of the main industry sectors, together with an indepth summary of 3 sectors: medical devices; healthcare; biotechnology.
CE marking
Information to explain CE marking requirements for medical devices.
Business Support
There is a network of business support avaliable to Scottish companies and also to businesses from outside of the UK seeking to develop partnerships with Scottish companies.
Visa Requirements
People from outside of the UK require a Visa to enter the UK unless they have a valid UK or European Union passport.....
Development Assistance
Scottish Enterprise and the Local Enterprise Companies operating in Scotland are the main points of contact for development assistance.
UK Medical Treatment
With few exceptions, visitors to the UK are not entitled to free medical treatment and healthcare. Any treatment received will be charged accordingly, therefore visitors should acquire sufficient medical insurance for the duration of their stay.
Regulatory Information
Standardisation in the EU is being implemented throughout Europe as the borders between Member States are eliminated and the principle of free movement of goods within the Union is on the uptake. 
Venture Capital
Venture capital provides commited and long-term risk sharing equity capital. This helps unquoted companies grow and compete in an increasingly competitive market place.
European Union
There are a number of ways to gain access to information about the European Union.
ISO 9000/9001
ISO 9000 is a set of five universal standards for a Quality Assurance system that is accepted world-wide. Currently 90 countries have adopted ISO 9000 as national standards. When a product or service is purchased from a company that is registered to the appropriate ISO 9000 standard, the quality is assured.

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