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Albany Business Consultants

MDDavid Bowie
ContactDavid Bowie, Managing Partner
Address50 Old Smiddyfield Park
Blyth Bridge
West Linton
ServicesYour Healthcare Business Development Partner and Solutions Provider

Business Development is all about growing business. This may entail new products, new markets or new promotional perspectives.

ABC offers a personalised service to maximize opportunities.

ABC will carry out background research and feasibility studies, so that business building takes place on the firm foundations of knowledge and market dynamics.

ABC then helps to plan the business drive and implement the action, to meet strategic and tactical objectives – locally, collaboratively and dynamically.

ABC – Proven Services for Creative Solutions
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»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
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