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Strathkelvin Instruments Limited

Parent CompanyN/A
Product RangeMeasurement & monitoring, oxygen meters
OperationAll our instruments are based upon microcathode oxygen electrodes, which were originally developed for use in the demanding conditions of clinical blood gas analysis, and which can be used, when required, without stirring of the medium.

The electrodes are used with accessories, which have been designed for specific laboratory applications.
MDDr P. S. Davies
ContactMr Michael Dooley
Address1.05 Kelvin Campus
West of Scotland Science Park
G20 0SP
Phone0141 576 5129
Fax0141 576 5081
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»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
»New life forms in the BioQuarter
Last week's groundbreaking deal to fund the development of the first BioQuarter outside the US at Little France in Edinburgh was a reminder that, among other things, economic development is alive and kicking
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