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Tayside Flow Technologies Ltd

Parent CompanyN/A
Product Rangevascular valves
OperationTayside Flow Technologies Ltd (TFT) is focused on the research, development and early stage commercialisation of cardio-vascular devices based on a new understanding of blood flow dynamics - Spiral Laminar Flow (SLF™ technology).
The cardiovascular market is estimated at £11bn ($18bn equivalent) worldwide with annual growth rates of 10%.
This innovative technology is based on modification of the physical properties of commercially available synthetic graft and stents, which will reduce downstream turbulence and wall pressure, resulting in a reduction in neo-intimal hyperplasia and the occurrence and rate of restenosis.
The spiral laminar flow (SLF™) platform technology developed by TFT will be applied to a number of cardiovascular medical devices markets. The initial targets for SLF™ technology are
large diameter peripheral vascular graft, peripheral and coronary stents and small diameter vascular grafts (peripheral and coronary). These markets were selected due to their significant size, growth potential and the demand for novel approaches to address unmet clinical needs.
MDAnthony Odell
ContactDr Graeme Houston, Director
Addressunit 22 Prospect Business Centre
Gemini Crescent Dundee Tech Park
Phone01382 598532
Fax01382 598528
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